posted on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:33 PM |
0 cmnt/s
One day, we'll be rich ....

FINALLY , after so long , I had a date w my bestfriend ! Texting her wasn't enough! I had t see her because I have so many many things t talk about. She's free like a bird now. SO FREE that sometimes , she complaints because she'll get bored easily. Now , it's my turn t finish up my senior year and join in the fun. Soon, we'll be an official bummers just like the people we're so envious about. But, in order t keep us bumming and rich we have t find a job. Wait, I mean , SHE have t go for job hunting . I'll be working at the same place obviously. It's coming t 2 years already. Sometimes , I feel so sick and tired of work. Because I really love my job, I shall stay despite being around w people I am not close w . THINK OF THE MONEY . I love customer service and I can dress up whatever I want however I like it. I don't think I'll be able t make it for a diploma , so I shall think what I wanna do next , later on lah . Maybe , next month ? or next next month. Most probably I'll go school and still work part - time. We shall see how lah huh .

Dinner was at Coffee Bean , our " usual spot " now . I am so poor now , I cannot afford anything else. This is sad . Least, I've got t see my bestfriend. We sat there for hours and hours. I felt so sick because I had too much chocolate drinks. Erghh . Pasta w I don't know what Chocolate Ice Blended . Nyummy! I really cannot wait for my allowance . & lesson learnt , I am not gonna over spent , ever again. I can literally die , I tell you. Yeah, no boyfriend means no money . yikes
I'm gonna fill most of my weekdays w Att Kelmari ! teeheee ..