Pink Chanel I'm just like you

we just can't stop talking
posted on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 9:23 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Hi, meet my best friend, Att Kelmari.

Feel free to please yourself w whatever you think is true or not. I myself perfectly know what's going on. I've been in this situation many many times. I really couldn't be bothered. I am just trying to be a good friend who wants my best friend to have fun and be stress free in her life because she's going through hell right now. We're not little anymore, we're growing up and we want to see the world even more. 

People will always be people and people change their minds. It's all part of life. We either change to be someone better or making the wrong turn but hopefully we make it through the right path again. We all make mistakes.

I am so not looking forward for next month, Feb. Well, because of some complication my pay is going to be very very little. TOO LITTLE. I even had to begged my father to actually raised up my allowance and give me an extra 100 dollars to actually last me for the whole entire month. Yup, I'm gonna be on a very tight budget. & also I have decided to work 3 days per week with 8 hours per day. I'm going to get myself financially stable. 

I've learnt not to depend on others when you're in r/s next time. Because, when everythin' fails, you're going to be yourself . I am used w the fact that I have to do everythin' by myself and I'm actually okay with that. You don't need another boy to move on in life. I mean, why go through the same thing over again when you've been in it for so long ? I am not saying that I'm on " anti boys thing or anti love" I'm just not wanting to have another one just yet. I'm turning 20 and there are more in life than just wanting to get married. People come and go, so don't worry. You'll meet better friends in time to come and a better person who would give you more than you just wanting the world to yourself. 

goodnight. xx

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