Happy Valentine's ♥
posted on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 10:05 AM |
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Is not like I did celebrated it . Today is just like a normal Monday just like any other day. I still got the loved from everyone else. I do suddenly feel terribly missing you. But I would be fucking stupid t miss you.
It's not only this day on Valentine that you treat your girl right. Buy a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. What's the point of having flowers on one hand and your heart for another. You need treat your girl right every single day w respect and love and etc. whatever it is. I've got a very pleasant surprised from that someone. & today, I had lunch after school w my dearest classmates. I had t repeat my 2.4 run, don't even wanna talk about it.

She's like the craziest person , I've ever met. Yes , opposites attracts, they say. It's funny, I tell you. My classmates and I got along well. I now talk t the people that I don't talk t. & for one girl whom I loved the most and was so close w is now in her own world. Too bad girl, you missed out everythin'. I don't think anyone could ever replaced em' all. I do wish you were here sometimes. I wonder if you ever had that wishful thought. But you know what, friends come and go and the one who stays are always the best. At least, Gennie is not someone who's in disguise. She is who she is and I love it that way.