posted on Monday, September 19, 2011 at 8:04 AM |
0 cmnt/s
I've deleted the previous post . I'm so fickle minded right? I'm back here at blogspot. I'm so sorry. I just prefer it here and not some other places.
So anyway , I love Att Kelmari many many more than ever. FIrstly, she saved up money and didn't shop much this month because she wanted t splurge on me for our date on the 18TH of September. We had dinner at Nando's and movies. The day before I partied w I and friends. Basically, that's that. I've so many things I want t do this month but sadly, work is taking over me. I don't know if I want t skip work and enjoy the weekends since I've gotten myself free tickets to HED KANDI GP EDITION. HOW LEH ?! I want t go so damn bad.
Well, this will be the period of time when I don't really feel like working. Like, I want t have a life. Of course I'm not that foolish to ditch work lah. I think long-term . Tonight is Wed's night . I want t get high but instead , I'm stuck at home doing nothing. The reason why I could blog maybe ? 2 days back t back and I'm not making full use of it . dashdotdash.
Uhh ohh , I watched Johnny English w H.A today. It was really funny. It reminded me of the movie , The Pink Panter (however you spell it). Dinner was Tom Yum Fried Fish , nyummy.