posted on Thursday, October 13, 2011 at 10:05 AM |
0 cmnt/s
One of my favorite top girl's in my list. As much as I hate havin' too much of my own sex as my friends because of all the dramas, havin' some is actually comforting. I guess these are the girls that I've meet up regularly? The rest are all busy w their boyfriends and work or more like they are busy w their lives! So anyway, I'm trying my very best t meet my long lost , Farah Fahana . Yeah , and of course my best friend . I haven't talk t her for ages. 2 of my top girls. The boys are all schooling and in NS . At the end of the day you'll be alone.
I'm so used w being alone. ( Not tryin' t sound depressing ) Like, being errr , independent? I've already managed my financial not depending on anybody. I can eat alone during break time. ( Not many people my age can do that you know! At tampines somemore . ) I have the people whom I loved and cherished. I have , Att Kelmari , Suriani Samsuri , Farah Fahana , Taufeeq too. My work mates are awesome for being just work mates. Clubbing is just a distraction. & Gennie for takin' care of me whenever we party. You see , don't I have the best people already ?
pictures are all taken during my off days. spending time w my bimb. I've been sleeping late, waking up early and havin' work taken over me . Life's a bitch sometimes. But hell, it's better than nothing. Oct has been really great. I can't wait for D&D , J's Wedding Dinner & Halloween. Too bad I can't have ladies night for this month. I don't seemed t have any Thursdays off. I hate going t work w less sleep. It's just me, I know that.
Weekends off. TGIF FOR ME !
( It's not easy , if you're working under retail )