Pink Chanel I'm just like you

posted on Sunday, December 25, 2011 at 9:13 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Anyway, Merry X-mas ! Yes yes , I'm a little too late for that.
I've been neglecting a lot of my social network's stuff except for Twitter that is . Highly addictive. 

5 more days to New Year's . 
I had a rough beginning of 2011. So many many many shit loads of things happened. 
& almost a year of not schooling, I managed t find one. A course which I'm fully interested w. 
So far, class has been really good. Assignments are all manageable. Everyone is really friendly too!

I've been cutting down w my social life too. I get really tired aft school . 
&& when I'm not schooling, I'll be working w the normal 8 hours shift either M or A . 
Yeah , it's frustrating but I get a lot of TGIF's because now I don't work on Saturday. 
I've been using it for best-friend , cousin , girlfriend(s) and the boy. 

Up coming event(s) for December :

New Year's Eve w best-friend and cousin ( of course right )
S' B'day Party ( every year )
BBQ @ K's.
Zouk w the boys.

basically, I have less than a week before the year end for all these. & because I am so reserved right now, I don't put up pictures much here nor on fb.

I' did my hair. I colored it again w treatment. I wanted t chopped off my hair but everybody was against the idea of me wanting a short hair. So, my hair is like below my bra line ? It used t be near my butt. It's much better looking now, I guessed ? I'm gonna booked another appt for my fringe because I had so much chemicals in less than 5 hours. sighhhh ...

I'm turning in already. All my friends who're like " the office people" get an extra off day!
For me, I have t work on a PH. No complaints, okay ? I'm good :)

I'm gonna leave you guys a song , which is my current favorite right now.
It may not be my kind of genre but I really like it. Listen!


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