Oh hello! I've decided t start blogging again now since I'm free on the weekends. This time, I'm trying t keep things low yet at the same time I would love talk about the little things in life.
posted on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 6:01 AM | 0 cmnt/s
You know when we were younger, our teacher would asked us, what do we want to be when we grow up. There were so many answers, doctors,teachers,policeman,fireman and many many more. But little do we know that growing up is not easy. Now that I'm all grown up(well not really but you get what I mean right), all done w my school have a cert in logistics(thinking that I would grow up t be like daddy) cert in retail (thinking that it would be fun doing the thing i love). I'm actually in a different world right now. I really enjoy what I'm doing. I have t start low, I understand. I'm such a blur sotong, can improve. I need t buck up, noted that. So many many things t do, so many mistakes I made, can learn. I've so much t learn and I am still learning. No complaining for me. But somewhere deep inside me, I secretly want t be a shop-in-charge. That was my dream and it is still my dream. It's been my dream for the longest time ever. When I was 16, I told my bestfriend that I want t work at Topshop and I want t be the boss of the shop. A few years down the road, somehow, I think god most def heard my prayers, I got myself a part-time job at Topshop and it turned out t be the best thing ever. I'm still working btw!(get t part later on) Sadly, my dream got crushed because I was told that you can't do the things you love. You have t do it for money. I can do so much better than just retail. So yeah, that was it. I believe that everyone in this world secretly wants t be someone and do something they like. My boss has a secret dream too. Even me. (now that I think of it) I know this is crazy, but you only live once right? && I am still young right? I choose t go back t TSTMTO(back t where I was born) and work there on the weekends. Yes, Monday t Friday and weekends part time. Trust me, I am still telling myself this is mad. A mad idea. Then again, I would rather work than doing nothing on the weekends or even wasting my money on food just t waste time. Good answer? My boss said, use your energy for work, it's so much better and fun. Once again, she was right. My first day was the first weekend of Nov(this mth lah) I was abit nervous but everything was good. My customer service skill is still in me, I am still doing perfectly okay. I'm trying this out for a few mths and shall see how things go lah. Hopefully, I am able t juggle life w all this. I am still taking some exams and tutorials. What do you think?
I hope I have the strengths and energy and time for all this. What is yours will always be yours.