Pink Chanel I'm just like you

What is forever?
posted on Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 1:09 AM | 0 cmnt/s

Okay, wait. I am not talking about love. 

It's about Friendship. 

My current circle of friends are not from my Secondary School. 
I mean a few years back, we said "friends forever" like a gazillion times.
& now we grow out of each other. So, what happened to "forever"?

After graduation, we went through our late teens and early adults. 
We all met new people, sense of everything simply change w/out you even realising it.

Honestly, I miss all of the KC girls. I almost wanted to typed, "My KC girls"
but I backspaced cause they're no longer mine. 

& I really thought that I am the one who didn't grow up.
Well, my bad. I grew up not liking them anymore.
I don't know why some think that I am jealous for whatever reasons.
One couldn't stay neutral.

But hey, girls have too much dramas and that I shall assumed. 

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