oh just posting.
posted on Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 2:16 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Sometimes I feel like I am in two different worlds.
I don't know about others, but I have two different group of people.
My friends who're about around my age and under.
and my other friends who're a few years older than me.
You can really see the difference you know.

I've gained so much weight.
I've gotten so many feedbacks/comments from my friends, ex work mates and family.
"You've gained so much". Erm, is this part of growing up?
Because I am still young, I would love to try out new things/places or whatever.
Like, juggling w time, balancing work, family and friends.
& this year I managed to get a chance to be working w my friends for Asia's Beerfest 13'.
Not as a "beergirl" but just as the ticketing person or should I say "cashiers"
The environment was different, everything was different.
I've never worked in a place w no aircon, just fan.
Nothing systematic.
Thank god I didn't take Events Management when I was still schooling.
This event was about two weeks ago, excuse me for the late post :)
Now, I've been working for like 14 days straight.
Mind you, my body clock was drastically changed, I had to re-adjust back halfway w no off day.
Not complaining.
Shall update soon. xx