this is crazy.
posted on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 8:45 AM |
0 cmnt/s
I deleted the whole of my blog past post(s) from 2009 to 2010. But if you've been reading up till today , then somehow somewhat, you know how's my life is. This is when I decided not to put life's in the public's eye or even t talk more deeper than what I should't talk about. Some things, are just meant t be private.

Yes, I shop more than what I earned. OHMYGOODNESS. This is crazy. I should be doing "smart shopping" But I guess, I'm not smart enough? I go for quality okay. It's nice to know and see the things you buy w your hard earn money. I know, it's not like as if I work hard enough. But hey! I've been busy since like err, December? I spent like total of 200 plus ? My mother threw my precious clothes, but ohh well:D . I'm not trying t brag or what or make it a big deal. But this the only thing I could afford. I'm sort of broke now. I'm gonna be on a tight budget till March. sigh*This is no good. Daddy always says that " I worked for free " . I mean, we all love topshop right?
Oh well, Faz just companied me from Tampines to Town. Poor Faz, waited for me and all. & you know us girls when we try on clothes, we'll take forever. You feel me right? We wanted t catch a movie but time wasn't on our side, so it was just mini shopping and dinner at Cahaya. Nyummy! I love t eat malay food than western food. I think malay food are nicer even though I don't take spicy. That's that ! I've got t go t bed now.