Pink Chanel I'm just like you

just like any other day.
posted on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 8:52 AM | 0 cmnt/s

I was actually extremely happy when the moment, the clock strikes 9pm. Yes, half an hour more and the shop is close. There I was, happily packing and cleaning the shop until this customer that I served yesterday came in and sort of gave me a scolding. Let me cut it short, there was a misunderstanding between our party and the other party from other outlet. Of course, I was furious and mad like hell because the blamed was pushed on us because I really think it's unfair t leave things hanging. I don't blame the customer because she was from town and they gave her problems and rushed back t Tampines, we gave her problems. So yeah, my day ended up really sad. I had to call and die die wants the outfit that she wanted which I have t personally hand carry it. ergh. 

My life is so boring, I know right? Oh well, what to do. I'm running broke soon. I also have the urge t party this coming weekends. We shall see. I need t study because my finals are around the corner. Well, this sucks. 

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