Pink Chanel I'm just like you

posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 8:11 PM | 0 cmnt/s

Saturday's shopping was really satisfying. I got the stuffs that I wanted. I got myself TS hosieries , TS totebag (it's like a collection thingy for me , it's cheap also!) TS shades. & sandals. with nothing more than a 100 dollars. I wanted to get some bottoms but we had no size. pathetic much. tsk. I shall wait for pay day and make a date w any of my girlfriends t shop. Heh! I'm thinking of askin' either my bestfriend or Dewi W'nizah. It's really hard to have a proper date w my bestfriend when we both are working at the same place.

I wonder why in the world did I agreed w Faz to watched Scream 4. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies or anything got to do with suspend. I think I can just like die in the cinema from a heart attack. The suspend nearly killed me. Well, I have to say that the movie was great ? It's somehow unpredictable. Erm . I'll give it 4/5 ? Because your eyes will be glued on the screen and you won't even want to move an inch! I swear. For me that is. hehh .

It wasn't a mundane Monday. Scream 4 was at the Grand Cathay with Faz. We had popcorns and B&J's! Nyummeh . & when I felt like going for last minute shisha, I called up the boys and we all met up at Arab Street at some place that I can't even pronounce nor can I spell it. It's more like "lepaking" session w em' boys. Honestly, I really miss going to school :( . Most of em' got into except the 3 of us. Well, serve me right. I do hope we all still keep in touch! It's gonna be hard for me because of my hectic working schedule. fingers crossed* 

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