Pink Chanel I'm just like you

posted on Sunday, July 31, 2011 at 8:41 AM | 0 cmnt/s



& I know it's kind of belated. I had t make it up t her for ditching her on Saturday. There was supposed t be a surprised.I had pretty bad rashes so I couldn't make it. After work today, I rushed down t Tampines Mall and than made my way t Makan Sutra. I had her present all wrapped up w a heart shape puzzle card.  It was an hour worth of waiting and 30 mins worth of time. We had quick poloroids and snapshots here and there. We'll hang soon okay  I'm glad you liked the present. Hehe , next time don't be so careless w your wallet!

There's nothing much you've missed. 

Just movies w Taufeeq , Captain America at Marina Square. && dinner w family at FishandCo. What's up w me and Fish&Co ? Don't know why.

It's the end of July. I really loved my July. It was so much better than all the previous months. I'm meeting up w S this coming Weds. I hope August is as nice as July :) 

Oh yeah, Happy Fasting !
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