Pink Chanel I'm just like you

posted on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 9:59 AM | 0 cmnt/s


So , this is what I wore for D&D . Believe it or not , I got it the night before. ( I had back up's though. Is just that this looks so much much better.) It was my first ever D&D . It was really fun. The whole entire company was there , the office people and the front line people . There was so much entertainment!

Apologies, laptop is a bitch. I couldn't upload any on fb nor could I had access t my blog last few nights. I literally have no time. I've got last min VM to do at 8 a.m tomorrow and I had t extend till 11 p.m when work started at 10 a.m . I'm totally looking forward for my another weekend's Off. 3 days , straight! I know right. I have , my weekends jam pack! I had t even choose. 

.... For now , I sort of got bored w clubs and drinks and gettin' real high. I'm just gonna pause for now and do something more productive ? I went Zirca on Wed's night and left really early and I didn't drink. YES I DID NOT. Not even ONE. 

I'll update soon ? xxx
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