posted on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 10:48 PM |
0 cmnt/s
Is it just me or do I always wear black for any events/parties. I am so contradicting . I hate the colour black and yet black looks real good.
The dinner was held at Festive Season's Hotel. It feels like another WTC event because all I see are all the WTC people. I guess when you grow older , your workmates are all you've got? Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't have any close friends from my secondary school. My top 3 girls are all from work or maybe ITE. Okay , so I side track a lil bit . We spent the night at Hard Rock Hotel. Awesome right ?
Anyway , it's November ! It's been exactly a year and I'm not sure how or when it officially happened but I just wanna say that time was by my side healing me even though I had scars here and there and memories waiting t be forgotten. So , today's my off day and I'll be heading t town and Timbre for my Wednesday night! xxx