posted on Friday, June 28, 2013 at 2:16 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Happy Birthday my darling, Andi!!!!
Though we just met like less than 5 mths, I'm glad we became such good friends.
This boy here taught me how to become so vain.
All my beau tips are all from him.
Wishing you the best in life.
Also, I hope you enjoyed your "mini surprised".
Birthday was celebrated under the Void Deck.
Nothing fancy, well we all had work the next day.
2 hours of surprised was well spent.
After all, it's the thought that count :)
Best girl here.
We fight like siblings, we fight because we still hold on to each other.
We've been through shit and tough times.
I still love you, babe. xoxo
oh just posting.
posted on Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 2:16 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Sometimes I feel like I am in two different worlds.
I don't know about others, but I have two different group of people.
My friends who're about around my age and under.
and my other friends who're a few years older than me.
You can really see the difference you know.

I've gained so much weight.
I've gotten so many feedbacks/comments from my friends, ex work mates and family.
"You've gained so much". Erm, is this part of growing up?
Because I am still young, I would love to try out new things/places or whatever.
Like, juggling w time, balancing work, family and friends.
& this year I managed to get a chance to be working w my friends for Asia's Beerfest 13'.
Not as a "beergirl" but just as the ticketing person or should I say "cashiers"
The environment was different, everything was different.
I've never worked in a place w no aircon, just fan.
Nothing systematic.
Thank god I didn't take Events Management when I was still schooling.
This event was about two weeks ago, excuse me for the late post :)
Now, I've been working for like 14 days straight.
Mind you, my body clock was drastically changed, I had to re-adjust back halfway w no off day.
Not complaining.
Shall update soon. xx
Something New?
posted on Friday, June 7, 2013 at 3:44 AM |
0 cmnt/s
Oh hello!
Late last year, I met Andi and Lenny. ( I'll post a picture of us or em' both, soon ok?)
The fact that my skin is slowly getting better. ( I am now learning to prep it and etc)
I can finally be PLASTIC. Oh yeah, you got that right. PLASTIC.
Sorry, not much pictures ( I am in the office right now) heheehe.
Stay tune. xx