posted on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 8:02 PM |
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Visual Merchandising
I'm not officially yet but I'm going t be ! My very first model store will be at KB from 4th May to 6th May , 9.30 pm to 3 am ? I'm kinda excited . I'm learning 2 new things,VM and Cashiering. Retailing is something I love. I know it has no future but at least I'm doing something right ? I know that I'm too young to work. It's not that I can't afford t pay for my private school it's just don't want t waste my dad's money knowing that I can't study anymore even though I get really jealous when my friends are talking about school. I can work at a better place w a better pay again I choose not t. I just like the idea of me doing something I like. I don't care if my family or what are against it or looking down on me . I've made up my mind, I'm choosing this path.
So anyways, the weekends are coming . && I've to go Vivo City for stock take at freakin' 7 in the morning tomorrow, totally not looking forward. I'll take it as just another experience thing. I managed t change my body system t sleep by 1 am or earlier than that. My life's back on track. I mean, I should learn t adapt w the changes around me. I'm tired of being sad anymore. The past is already passed. I'm not lookin' back. Now, whatever I do , I'm pretty sure I'm confident w it. I shall try not t be as fickle minded as ever. TRYING.
I'm sorry lah if my blog bore you. I just have nothing t talk about besides work stuffs. Social life is already down the drain. I can't believe that I have t think twice whenever my friends ask me t club. My girls are already hating me for countlessly ditching em'. omggg.
posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 8:11 PM |
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Saturday's shopping was really satisfying. I got the stuffs that I wanted. I got myself TS hosieries , TS totebag (it's like a collection thingy for me , it's cheap also!) TS shades. & sandals. with nothing more than a 100 dollars. I wanted to get some bottoms but we had no size. pathetic much. tsk. I shall wait for pay day and make a date w any of my girlfriends t shop. Heh! I'm thinking of askin' either my bestfriend or Dewi W'nizah. It's really hard to have a proper date w my bestfriend when we both are working at the same place.
I wonder why in the world did I agreed w Faz to watched Scream 4. I'm not a huge fan of horror movies or anything got to do with suspend. I think I can just like die in the cinema from a heart attack. The suspend nearly killed me. Well, I have to say that the movie was great ? It's somehow unpredictable. Erm . I'll give it 4/5 ? Because your eyes will be glued on the screen and you won't even want to move an inch! I swear. For me that is. hehh .
It wasn't a mundane Monday. Scream 4 was at the Grand Cathay with Faz. We had popcorns and B&J's! Nyummeh . & when I felt like going for last minute shisha, I called up the boys and we all met up at Arab Street at some place that I can't even pronounce nor can I spell it. It's more like "lepaking" session w em' boys. Honestly, I really miss going to school :( . Most of em' got into except the 3 of us. Well, serve me right. I do hope we all still keep in touch! It's gonna be hard for me because of my hectic working schedule. fingers crossed*
posted on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 9:09 PM |
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Feels like mother and daughter time.
I'm over at granny's. I've been away from home for almost a week already. My clothes are very limited here. I wear pretty much the same damn thing everyday. && I haven't been talking t my own mother. I didn't even reply t any of her text messages. No worries, I've been here the whole entire time. I'm too tired to even have a social life. I'll be going back t MP for a week because of my monthly allowance.
Later in the evening, I'll be out w mama for a mini retail therapy . At Tampines only! Ever since I started working here, the only place that I shop is only at my work place. Bad habit and it's not good! I swear. So, my mini retail therapy will be at my own outlet later. hehh hehh. It's like I already know what I want t buy and I cannot wait for pay day or allowance! Mama , please come home quick! ergh , she's out for high tea at Marina Mandarin till 5 pm . -____-'' tskk !
I shall youtube, eat , sleep and watch tv . ttyl . xx
posted on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 7:32 PM |
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with cousin, Jasmine.
It was almost one hell of a week. The week's passed by so fast. In a few more days I'll get my allowance. ( yes , I'm 20 and working and I still get allowance.) & in 2 weeks time I'll get my pay! I really really hope it's above than what I expected. I'm in need of retail therapy, badly. & I need t start learning how t save. Yesterday's "Fashion Party" was madness. From 7pm till 9.30pm. I didn't stayed back t help them. HELL NO. I was too tired plus I did housekeeping all by myself the day before yesterday. So, I think I deserve a break. Well, if some people can just think about themselves, so can I :)
The promotion for this weekend is 40% off on your second piece purchased. So, if you're a Topshop shopper, hurry and start shopping now ! hehh hehh . I know that I'll be having mine tomorrow ! It's my off day and I asked mama t come shopping w me so she can pay for my stuffs. Believe it or not , I didn't get anythin' for this month.
So anyways, I was supposed t meet up w Marly and the girls at Soul last night but I was too tired and ended up sleeping close t midnight. Besides the fact that I'm broke, AGAIN. She's gonna kill me because I ditched her almost all the time. Sorry bbg, I'm really tired .
P/S ; I'm having 2 days off straight.
posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 6:59 AM |
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You know, I really really hate making decisions. I mean, I am already so fickle minded like nobody's business. & now, I am really scared that I am making a bad choice. Well, first of all , it is my interest and the another one is that I really love what I am doing right now ? I mean not strongly in love w it but its pretty much content ? I am not so sure if I'm rushing into things or making harsh decisions or what.
It was quite a surprised for me. Because some waited for months and months t convert. & how long did I waited ? Ermm , a few weeks ?!?! Wish me luck , people !
posted on Saturday, April 16, 2011 at 7:50 PM |
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If only life is that simple. It's always so much easier said than done. I am very good at telling people what's right and wrong. Giving advises when I myself need some good advise because I don't use mine. Which sometimes I tell myself " speak for yourself , Shiela Halim ".
posted on Friday, April 15, 2011 at 6:34 PM |
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&& I'm looking forward t this weekends too. I'll be out w the boys for movies and erm pool or shisha . I'm missing em' much.
posted on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 5:35 AM |
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I had the longest nap ever. I mean , more than 5 hours ?! Hell yeah , today's my off day . I got text messages/calls asking if I'm gg t Zouk tonight ? Erm , I'm not going . I just don't want nor do I feel like it . Sorry bbg's.

Everything and everybody is going haywire. I don't understand . I know how some people don't like some people. Well, you have t face it , last min changes are bound t happen. I mean, sometimes things just don't go as planned. HAVE YOU NOT AWARE OF THAT LINE ? SERIOUSLY ?! Everybody's schedule is affected. We all had t stayed back last night till 11pm . I was running like mad doing last min things because M asked me to . I don't hold grudges or what because it's nothing personal , it's work. It's not her fault that visitors are coming early in the morning. It's not anybody's fault that the shop was in a mess the next day and it happened that we're all short-handed . & it's not the part - timer's fault that shifts suddenly changed when nobody asked for it . She even said ; APRIL'S SCHEDULE WILL BE CHANGED WHEN NECESSARY . If you don't understand , it means LAST MIN CHANGES WILL OCCUR . -_______-"
I love everybody . But sometimes , don't take matter t personal until you have t give an attitude or what so ever towards the person who's not even at fault .
posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 4:46 AM |
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Well, I'm not really having a good start for the week. For the past 2 days, I've been up extremely early than usual , like at 6.45 am ? & today was from one outlet and back t mine and was supposed t stayed back till 10 pm which was utterly crazy, I swear t god. I'll end up working for like err , 13 hours ? Halfway through, my body system was like falling apart already.
I really hope , I'm not lazy for tomorrow night since I won't be working the next day. It's just me being sooo fickle minded . ( I'll go if my friend's driving , if not I won't )
I'm turning in already . xx
extremely tired .
posted on Sunday, April 10, 2011 at 8:04 AM |
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Laid-back Sunday :)
Knowing that I am forever so fickle minded of a person, I decided t passed my Saturday night. ( my one and only morning shift btw ) Giving it a pass wasn't a bad idea. I had an impromptu dinner w I. & staying home on a Saturday night felt so good .
&& my v laid - back Sunday which I just had my Leigh and tanktop t Plaza Sing for a movie date w my bestfriend, Att Kelmari . We had popcorns and nachos and dinner was at Mos Burger. It was just us catching up because we can't really talk a lot at work. Hall Pass was the movie ! I'll give 4/5 ? I'm not a huge fan of comedy .
Oh, I have t report to work by 7.45 IN THE MORNING ! HOLY F*** . I don't even know if I can like ever wake up for tomorrow plus it's on a Monday . I'm turning in . xx
posted on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 3:51 PM |
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& oh , have an awesome weekend. I know , I will . xx
posted on Friday, April 8, 2011 at 7:51 PM |
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I'm totally looking forward for this weekend .
posted on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 6:55 PM |
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I'm so caught up w work , I didn't even realized that the week is ending already.
My never ending medications. I took MC today . & yes , I'm at home doing nothing at all . I shall paint my nails, re-organize my stuffs. sleep all day ?
P/S : I do realize that I kept saying I've no life. Well, I miss social life . Spending time w my friends and simply doing nothing at all. Always having money in my wallet. Have no worries about anything. But, that's something I've yet t figure out because right now, I don't know what to do nor do I know where t go. I shall stop saying I've no life because I too get bored w it :D
posted on Monday, April 4, 2011 at 12:33 AM |
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April's schedule turned out t be fine. Well, I can be like normal people and go out every Sunday. Not that I have an NS boyfriend or what but I'll figure out smth. Is is just me or do everyone else too get a permanent fixed off day for the whole month ?
Free movies , popcorns and drinks for err all the people who works in Wing Tai ? I went w Myra , Att Kelmari and Azar . BIG MAMA is way way ten times better than Sucker Punch ! After my doctor's appointment , I just slept the whole day and went out in the evening and here I am going t have an early night. See, I do not have a social life. I miss the times when we're so free and we don't need think about work and money. Not like I'm working for a living. I'm just working t kill time. ergh . This is saddening. I swear , I have issues w me turning 20 in a few months time . One more thing, I feel like I'm a full-timer when I'm just a part - timer . tsk.
posted on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 5:56 PM |
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