posted on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 9:30 AM |
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Hello April , it's been a year since we last met . I missed you much . Be nice , okay ?
Results will be out at 2pm tomorrow. Nervous? Hell yeah . I've been waiting this day but it's like I'm not putting up hopes because err , I didn't worked hard enough. & what's done cannot be undone.
Last night's party was awesome w Myra and some friends too. I slept for like the whole day & head down t Pasir Ris Park for the class bbq . I didn't stayed over. I have work in the morning so I'm home early . xx
posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 7:04 PM |
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As we grow older ..
We meet new people . People come and go . & The best thing is worth waiting for .
Working life is BORING. I work and work and work and work and work.
posted on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM |
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Labels: what's left behind
posted on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 7:35 PM |
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So much for me wanting t stay home yesterday ! I did watched The Time Traveler's Wife and Valentine's Day at home though. I had an impromptu movie outing w R at The Grand Cathay. He said it was he's treat for dinner and movie. It was just movie and dinner like literally. I did reached home before mid-night. My next off day is like in 7 more days ? R said ; work is your life ! tskkk .
2/5 , yes the rating ! It's like a v bimbotic movie w v pretty girls looking all hot all the time and girls w wild imagination. I simply didn't like it.
posted on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 11:34 PM |
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I'm spending my off day at home watching The Time Traveller's Wife on HBO ON DEMAND. I just don't feel like going out today. I'm just staying home :)
the best thing right now is that I see my bestfriend every single day. I hope it's not a bad idea. I hope we don't fight. Because people who see each other everyday will fight and break - up. tsk.
posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 9:23 PM |
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I've overcome so many things. I'm stronger than ever. I do not want t be that little girl anymore. The little girl who's stuck in me who whines and cry everyday and night wanting everything t be perfect. Because I know that , nobody's perfect and nothing will ever go your way.
Do you people have plans for the future? I mean, you know what you wanna do ? What you want? Who you want t be ? Besides, getting married hoping and wanting t live happily ever after.
Let's just say; I shall stick w what I'm doing right now and see how things go next month.
posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 10:39 PM |
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HELLO! I didn't tag along w them t the zoo :(
I'm stuck at granny's. Oh well , I'll find something t do tonight. && I wonder who's free ..
It's my off day , god damn it ! I wouldn't wanna sleep all day -___-
posted on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 7:22 PM |
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Far East Movement Free Wired Tour
Wavehouse , 2011
It was an awesome threesome w two of my best pals. I'm really glad you had fun, bestfriend. Apologies for not having the time. I swear, working as a six days is god damn tiring. Well, not t the extend but like that's your life. work.home.sleep and it goes the same thing over and over again till god knows when. My off days seemed t be fixed not that I requested but it's like every Thursday. Okay, that's cool. I shall not complain. So far , I've not skipped work. ^_^
& you know, time really flies damn fast. Unlike last month, I was like complaining each and everyday wanting the time t just zoomed passed by me. & now in 5 days time I'm getting my allowance, tomorrow , I'll be heading t the Zoo w my classmates. Boy, I missed em' all. I miss watching movies! I used t like watch every week and now , I'm like just staying home and you-tubing. Sad or what sia. They say; people who stay up all night are lonely people. LOL. I don't think so lah .
Okay okay, I better get going . xx
posted on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 9:12 PM |
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The mini - surprised for Att Kelmari , turned out fine :)
I MADE IT HAPPEN! Okay, wait. Iqbal and I , we made it happen!
I'll update, the soonest!
w poloroids and iphone pictures. Yeah , who cares right.
posted on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 7:04 PM |
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Thank you sweets , for always being there for me. We both shall be rich bummers till the end of time.
& anyways, I'm not so sure who's reading my blog but I do know I was told t be careful w my blogging. I won't say anythin' because I choose t tell the public and people are free t read and react any way they want :)
I feel like I spent too much time working. I don't even have time for my sexy tumblr. But hell yeah, I do love and enjoy working v much. I mean, sometimes it feels like I can just die but most of time , time really flies. Everybody is busy working also what, might as well work too right?
Shiela Halim's very extremely boring life .
posted on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 9:27 PM |
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I'm actually having a cup coffee before heading t work.
Okay, to think of it right , if I don't get into any Polytechnic ( which I won't ) and if I do not want t take any private Diploma ( I just have no interest ) = I HAVE T WORK LIKE ALL THE OTHER ADULTS.
Which means, I HAVE NO LIFE :) Yeah , I know I have t stop saying that I've got no life. I do have, I'm still living and breathing and surviving in this very evil and cruel unfair world of mine which GOD HIMSELF enjoy seeing me being happy and unhappy and happy again. The ups and downs of life. I'm currently working as if I'm a full - timer except the fact that I'm payed hourly and also I don't do cashiering. Not much of a burden for me. Because of that , I'm just too tired t actually go out.
For now, I shall be useful bummer and earn some extra cash and live the life w my bestfriend!
At 18 . I became a big spender & now I'm turning 20 , I spent 100 dollars per week. Excluding my minor shopping and this and that. WOW , I think it's a little too much. Saving up is easier said than done. shessh!
I'm looking forward for the 17TH March :)
I'm currently at Bedok . I miss my grandmother so darn much :(
posted on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 5:35 PM |
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My everyday expenses are killing me already. Having 50 dollars in your wallet is like never enough. So, I'm trying my best not t go out much everyday. That is why I'm working! & holy fuck , I'm gonna work for 7 days straight. I'm not complaining because people have done way way longer than that. But but it's been awhile since I've been extremely hard working. And by that, I mean going so into work and not having a social life. I used t be that type of a person when I was 17 years of age? Yeah, for my v first job working at the Airport. Not say that I'm very old now lah .
My blog is gonna be such a bore. I've been working for the past few days. I did pretty much nothing. I didn't even party even though I'm on afternoon shift the next day. I just didn't wanna tire myself. I do wanna have a social life. I'm just not very happy w the fact that every of my Saturdays are all afternoon and one Saturday off. ( even when I'm not a weekend-er ! ) I shall figure something out.
social life and working life = the life :)
posted on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 6:56 PM |
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work starts today .
& when life starts t revolves around work , it gotta suck. If only life's a party. Well. mom's okay now . Slowly everthin' will fall back into their places. I promise t make time for loved ones and best of friends <3
posted on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 7:03 PM |
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I know you're going through a lot right now . I'm sorry that things happen . I'm sorry if I don't show any of my emotional feelings t you. I know the space we have is huge. But I am perfectly aware that no matter what happens , you're still my one and only mother. I know sometimes I just hate you so much because it feels like we both come from two different world. take care :)
posted on Monday, March 7, 2011 at 12:55 AM |
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I'll update as soon as tomorrow's paper finish !
Because you need your friends. We all may be busy w our own lives but if your friends are true, when you're down, they'll be there for you. I have my bestfriend, my girly , my sexy b's , my workmates , my closes and em' boys. Of course, my bestfriend has always been there for me and i'll try my best t be there for her too. No matter what happens, those who're true t you, they'll stay. I mean, I can't live w/out my friends. Even If I'm attached , I still make time for my friends. We're still young, settling down is a long way t go. Getting married is not a laughing matter. Obviously, when you're married you have t minimize most of your time outside because you have your own family and a husband and etc. But like I say; let's talk about it in 10, 15 years time ? I don't think so, I'll be blogging in the future also .
I know how much I dislike school. But you know what , school is fun! Way better than working life. You have holidays, you can sleep in class ,you can be a late comer many many times , break all the school rules and not get major punishment. You will have time for everythin'. Than, what's your teenage years for ? I've not officially graduated yet from Higher Nitec. But I've already completed my two years course. Some may say; education does not really matter . That's because you got lucky my dear. God bless you for having a beautiful life , okay ?
What's next for me ? I'll think about it , in about a month's time ? . Well , I won't say that I'm gonna rush but I sure do know that I do not wanna waste time. I'm getting older, you know. If I ever and it would be a huge miracle that I get into Poly than I shall just continue w school. If I am still interested in studying that is. If not, I'll get a stable job. Having a stable job does not make you successful by the way. It's just life , you need a stable job or else , you can just die. Really.
posted on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at 11:44 AM |
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If growing up means eating a lot than I hate growing up ;(
&& when I got extremely restless at home , I decided t meet my girlfriend. It was very very last minute. I mean, I finished my notes and etc. I give up ? Yes , I give up. Dinner was at MSQ , Subway/Mac'D. Lots of catching up t do. I miss you too, baby. Just like the old days. I want t have fun and do things before work kicks in :)
I finally have the time t commit work w my heart and soul. Despite whatever is going on because I shall just keep myself as low as possible. Who cares, I'm here t earn money and I simply till today love my job, no one can spoil that feeling of mine.
posted on Friday, March 4, 2011 at 2:56 PM |
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I know right, I kept editing and re-typing the whole thing. Heh! Okay , so anyways . We were Changi Airport T3 on a Thursday night ? They studied . While , some played cards w me ! I've got t say , apologies if I pissed anybody but but I don't think I was a huge distraction. I can't group study. I just wanna chill out. I'm having so much tension at home w mom and brother. I really don't know what t do. I've realised I've been spending hell loads and been gg out. You can't blame me , I don't wanna stay home because what's a home w/out your loved ones? Everythin' is so dis-functional right now.
I am not having the time of my life. I eat , I spend and eat and spend . That's all I do.
posted on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 9:20 AM |
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I had fun w Kelly , Amelia and Naqiyah !
Today, was like the first time ever for god knows how long , I hang out w my workmates. I mean , I've met and seen so many people come and go but I'm just not close w anybody right now.
( people at work , I mean ) You know , girls always have trust issues even w each other.
I don't want t keep on saying FML every single day. I'm trying t make the best out of everything. I'm glad that bestfriend and friends are there for me . Maybe, there's a reason why. & it's the only way that mom and I could get close w each other. It's so weird t text my mom and tell her , I am on my way home. I actually talk t her now a days. Yeah , things happen for a reason . I hope it's for the good. Maybe God did hear my prayers ;)
aww , Shiela Halim is like growing up . HAHA , okay lame I know .
P/S ; pictures will be up soon ?
posted on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 1:12 AM |
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I'm gonna miss my classmates, for sure. Please do keep in touch , okay ?
posted on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 7:07 AM |
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Oh hello , I'm so sorry if my blog sounds depressing , sad and it's like I'm dead. Well , I feel like as if I can like literally kill myself right now. I mean , I have t admit I am not good w handling emotions and all. I'm someone who cries and whine a lot. I've never ever live the hard life. until one day , reality hits me w commitments and responsibilities of being a daughter and good sister. I guess . this is just life . I have t keep the best memories and not look back.
Yes , I have t do that . STOP THINKING TOO MUCH .
So , anyways , I've already promised Att Kelmari that we would have clean good fun all the time. No more late night parties or what so ever ( w her ) . It's like the good old days , wasting money on food and movies and all . All we did was eat and eat and eat . From some fancy places we found halfway in the mall , t Starbucks and Gong Cha and we still yet t have our Strictly Pancakes. Gees, at this rate , I'll be fat in a matter of time .
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