this is crazy.
posted on Monday, January 31, 2011 at 8:45 AM |
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I deleted the whole of my blog past post(s) from 2009 to 2010. But if you've been reading up till today , then somehow somewhat, you know how's my life is. This is when I decided not to put life's in the public's eye or even t talk more deeper than what I should't talk about. Some things, are just meant t be private.

Yes, I shop more than what I earned. OHMYGOODNESS. This is crazy. I should be doing "smart shopping" But I guess, I'm not smart enough? I go for quality okay. It's nice to know and see the things you buy w your hard earn money. I know, it's not like as if I work hard enough. But hey! I've been busy since like err, December? I spent like total of 200 plus ? My mother threw my precious clothes, but ohh well:D . I'm not trying t brag or what or make it a big deal. But this the only thing I could afford. I'm sort of broke now. I'm gonna be on a tight budget till March. sigh*This is no good. Daddy always says that " I worked for free " . I mean, we all love topshop right?
Oh well, Faz just companied me from Tampines to Town. Poor Faz, waited for me and all. & you know us girls when we try on clothes, we'll take forever. You feel me right? We wanted t catch a movie but time wasn't on our side, so it was just mini shopping and dinner at Cahaya. Nyummy! I love t eat malay food than western food. I think malay food are nicer even though I don't take spicy. That's that ! I've got t go t bed now.
happily - ever - after
posted on Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 8:51 PM |
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Maybe it's just part of growing up?
I know that they're the people who won't leave me. Because some say; opposite attracts . I love you girls , till the end of time.
I woke up early morning and got really pissed off because my mom actually went to throw 2 bags of my clothes. OHMYGOD. I swear, I cried and cried and scream like hell. I mean, 2 of it are still new while the rest are my favorite. It was supposed to be in the wash. I put in the bag on top of the washing machine and guess what, she went t threw it away. I feel like crap now. & yeah, almost everythin' in the bag is from topshop. Not makin' a big deal, but I bought it w my own money and all. So yeah, it's kidda annoying lah. I've got feelings for my clothes too.
Oh well, I can't do anythin' about it right? That pink polka dot top above is somewhere in the bin too. Yeah, I don't know why but I'm just a topshop shopper. No matter how many people would want me to smart shop, I can't. I swear , I can't. I'm trying to cut also lah huh.
& what am I gonna do today ? Well, I'm going t get my jeans back. Favorite black jeans and my reservations. That's all? What t do, I'm getting new ones too. tsk! I'm really really pissed off like crazy sia. My dresses and all. OHMYGOD. Sometimes , I feel like killing her. But i love my mother lah still. erghhh . I'm not spoilt , I'm just used to get what I want and really hate it if things don't go my way.
I don't know if I want t get it at my outlet or go to KB and hope someone I know is working so I can get discounts! KB have nicer things. My outlet is like soooo outdated already. tsk. Oh rain, please stop, I want t do some shopping today! hehehe :D
Karm's 18TH!
posted on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at 5:44 PM |
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Well, I don't really want t talk about it. I was too tired like crazy. I had my practical test at 3pm till 5 pm. Running errands early in the morning. Cleaning and settin' up for G's Chalet. But you know what, in the end I ended up at Karm's chalet for the whole night till the next day. Waste my efforts only. I could had like just slept the whole afternoon. It was bad, real bad. I had work after the party also. I had one hell of a hangover the next day too and yet I turned up for work. After today, I'm gonna cover back all my sleep.
&& OH! I've got 3 weeks of school left. I'm left w major exams now. I'm gonna endure the 3 weeks. Have fun w my classmates because I'll never going back to school if I don't want t continue my studies. I've got a be on a full - time job thingy. God, it sucks . Growing up sucks alot.
It's the weekends , like finally!
posted on Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 7:28 AM |
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& I really wonder what's on tv.
Anyways, I had one hell of a long long day. I almost died because of NAPFA and 2.4KM. Yeah, I don't always turn up for sports and wellness. So , my body system got a shock! Suddenly, I ran w no warm out and etc. No wait, I didn't ran, I brisk walk, in a way I guess ? Okay, I jogged ? Yeah , somehow lah huh . When was the last time I ran ? Err, I think last year? I think ever since after secondary school, I only run like err , once a year ? It's no good right? Even a fat girl beat me sia ! omg , opps! I'm so sorry , no offence seriously. I just think I have hidden fats. I just want a just pass thing. JUST A PASS WILL DO, PLEASE ?
I did some errands straight after school. I woke up at 8 in the freaking morning and was late , yeah what's new right ? Freshen myself up and went t town , had lunch. I just bought the necessary things I need. Sadly, I'm cutting down on my shopping. ( this month only ) . I also paid 10 dollars to get my eyelash fixed. It's all out of place. My body are all aching now. I'm so young not so not fit man , I swear.
And for now, I'm just gonna watch whatever's on TV. Get my nails done , I hope it's gonna be pretty. & have strawberries w milk before heading t bed. I have t make a list and get everythin' prepared for tomorrow night. Double check everythin' before leaving the house! Oh yeah, because of what happened in school , I can't over night tmr . ergh ..
Liars tell the prettiest stories
posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 10:01 AM |
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& yes, I am one of the liars who tell many many people the most prettiest stories. A lie after a lie after a lie. I don't know what the hell am I doing. Sometimes, I feel like I am not even being myself. I am getting myself into major trouble tomorrow. I am looking forward for Friday but I have to go through school first. Though, I'm left with 5 more weeks, I am still the biggest jerk.
Hopefully ,All this chaos will just go away. Also, I am not going t be lazy. Honestly, my 2011 is not going good for me. A million apologies won't help w the people who have been there for me. If you're sick and tired of helping , then don't. If you're just going to get v pissed off w me then don't do it because you can't help someone who won't help themselves. & I don't help myself so I don't blame others for giving up on me. I may be oblivious but I will noticed and appreciate to those who have been such a great help.
Yeah, my phone is flooding w messages and alot of miss calls. Goodnight. xx
we just can't stop talking
posted on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 9:23 AM |
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Hi, meet my best friend, Att Kelmari.
Feel free to please yourself w whatever you think is true or not. I myself perfectly know what's going on. I've been in this situation many many times. I really couldn't be bothered. I am just trying to be a good friend who wants my best friend to have fun and be stress free in her life because she's going through hell right now. We're not little anymore, we're growing up and we want to see the world even more.
People will always be people and people change their minds. It's all part of life. We either change to be someone better or making the wrong turn but hopefully we make it through the right path again. We all make mistakes.
I am so not looking forward for next month, Feb. Well, because of some complication my pay is going to be very very little. TOO LITTLE. I even had to begged my father to actually raised up my allowance and give me an extra 100 dollars to actually last me for the whole entire month. Yup, I'm gonna be on a very tight budget. & also I have decided to work 3 days per week with 8 hours per day. I'm going to get myself financially stable.
I've learnt not to depend on others when you're in r/s next time. Because, when everythin' fails, you're going to be yourself . I am used w the fact that I have to do everythin' by myself and I'm actually okay with that. You don't need another boy to move on in life. I mean, why go through the same thing over again when you've been in it for so long ? I am not saying that I'm on " anti boys thing or anti love" I'm just not wanting to have another one just yet. I'm turning 20 and there are more in life than just wanting to get married. People come and go, so don't worry. You'll meet better friends in time to come and a better person who would give you more than you just wanting the world to yourself.
goodnight. xx
posted on Sunday, January 23, 2011 at 7:03 AM |
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Ask me anything
Classy and Fabulous
posted on Saturday, January 22, 2011 at 8:49 AM |
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May all your wishes and dreams come true && I really hope you had a blast on your birthday night xx.
I can never forget the amazing feeling I had playing by the pool at midnight till late. It was awesome , I tell you. & yes there was foursome. Plus, this is not the end. We're gonna have a mini bash at Costa Sands Resorts next week !. ^.^
Exciting much? Yes yes , I really cannot wait!
posted on Friday, January 21, 2011 at 7:39 PM |
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I didn't plan it, the boys did . I'm really glad that I could actually spent their b'days together. This year, is our last senior year. Scary or what. && you guys are 20 already! OLD ^-^
I celebrated 2 b'days in one day. I had to be at 2 places in one day. I felt like killing myself because I didn't want to ditch either one of em'. I wished I could like clone myself or smth. My afternoons was at Marina Barrage and I spent the whole night at Sentosa, Cafe Del Ma ( however you spell it ).
Pictures at Sentosa will be updated by this weekends. I'm busy working. & oh, I have t add in days and stop being lazy.
P/S: Please ignore failed pictures of the layout thingy. I have no time . Thank you. I'll do it like the soonest!
What's New ?
posted on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 5:12 AM |
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Oh my gosh! It's soon gonna be Feb! Life's been pretty much content for me. 7 more weeks till graduation & school's kind of hectic , I guess? ( laughs ) Nehh ..
So anyways, I've got so many things to do this month and also I'm looking forward t next month too. I got tired of staying home trying to complete my report and neglecting my $6/per hour pay cheque. By next month, I'll start working 8 hours per day for 3 days a week. I'm sick and tired of getting 400 dollars per mth since last 2months. I need my fuckin' retail therapy. I haven't been blogging much because all I do is stay home or shisha w the boys , projects or meeting up w some of my girlfriends.
P/S: I'm back in the dating game and I'm just tired of being sad already.
always will be ♥
posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 10:14 AM |
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& I love her a lot , hell loads! Because she was there for me.
I know friends come and go. People just live and die . But you've got to live to the fullest and make sure you are w the ones you loved.
& they say
posted on Sunday, January 9, 2011 at 9:20 AM |
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When it happens, it happens . It was like " opps , I did it again "
I'm starting to have butterflies in my stomach. The feeling of like can't eat, can't sleep , reach for the stars kind of thing ? Oh well, it's hard because all bad things are always hidden at the back and comes out unexpectedly.
posted on Saturday, January 8, 2011 at 11:18 AM |
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Well, least school's much better than work. I've got the net and can sleep!
&& so after school , dad decided to go for a family movie and lunch!
&& shop here and there >_<
& 3 short hours w ginnie bby <3
I need to sleep now , I'm beat ..
I'm fine, thank you
posted on Thursday, January 6, 2011 at 12:20 PM |
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I'm telling the world, that I really missed you. & even though, you've moved on , I think I am moving on too.
He may not be the most amazing boy on earth, he is not perfect, he cheated once or twice and sometimes he's a real jerk but he once gave me the whole world and treated me like a princess. You know that I've always been there, stood up for you when things are badly damaged and even when you're in the wrong, I held your hands tighter wanting this to last. You chose this path and looked at what we've became. You showed me your true colours and I simply changed.
Like what I've always said, things happen for a reason and we don't know what the future holds. Be a better person because I know, I'm stronger than this.
because we have each other.
posted on Wednesday, January 5, 2011 at 10:10 AM |
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we're like sisters.
posted on Monday, January 3, 2011 at 5:59 AM |
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I swear, I can say it ten over times that I really hate how everybody is connected w everybody. sheesh, please tell me something I don't know.
Anyhow's, I'm back on earth! I've been in lala land for 2 freakin' days. & working w hangovers is no fun. I don't even know half the things that I was even doing. It's like I'm just physically there. You feel me right ? It's Monday already and It's my lazy Monday. I stayed home the whole day. Eat and sleep and eat and sleep and just stoning on my lappy. Now, that's life.
I somehow miss missing you but things changed, I guess ? I'm really happy that you're happy because I'm happy too.
Hello 2011
posted on Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM |
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Even though, my heels nearly killed me, I really had fun! I had the best time of my life .( though , I can't seem to find my ezlink ) I think misplaced it or something . Shit you lah, Karma .
So anyways, how's your countdown ? Told ya, that I was going to spend it w em' boys. It was our first outing w the whole group. Well, and me being the only girl , as always.
can you tell that I'm over-joyed? LOL!
Have a blissful and wonderful year, amin :)
I love em' all. I need my sleep now. You can't expect smooth sailing for everythin' this year right? I just want the best and will make the best out everythin' I have. I also have to start appreciating the people around me, move on w life and many many more. xoxo
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