posted on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 10:00 PM |
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Hello , t person up there ! Are you even aware what's happening right now or you choose not t care? Can you hear me cry for help ? Can't you see , my heart bleeds everyday and you took all my happiness away.
posted on Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 8:33 PM |
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One day, we'll be rich ....

FINALLY , after so long , I had a date w my bestfriend ! Texting her wasn't enough! I had t see her because I have so many many things t talk about. She's free like a bird now. SO FREE that sometimes , she complaints because she'll get bored easily. Now , it's my turn t finish up my senior year and join in the fun. Soon, we'll be an official bummers just like the people we're so envious about. But, in order t keep us bumming and rich we have t find a job. Wait, I mean , SHE have t go for job hunting . I'll be working at the same place obviously. It's coming t 2 years already. Sometimes , I feel so sick and tired of work. Because I really love my job, I shall stay despite being around w people I am not close w . THINK OF THE MONEY . I love customer service and I can dress up whatever I want however I like it. I don't think I'll be able t make it for a diploma , so I shall think what I wanna do next , later on lah . Maybe , next month ? or next next month. Most probably I'll go school and still work part - time. We shall see how lah huh .

Dinner was at Coffee Bean , our " usual spot " now . I am so poor now , I cannot afford anything else. This is sad . Least, I've got t see my bestfriend. We sat there for hours and hours. I felt so sick because I had too much chocolate drinks. Erghh . Pasta w I don't know what Chocolate Ice Blended . Nyummy! I really cannot wait for my allowance . & lesson learnt , I am not gonna over spent , ever again. I can literally die , I tell you. Yeah, no boyfriend means no money . yikes
I'm gonna fill most of my weekdays w Att Kelmari ! teeheee ..
posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 6:28 PM |
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Can I say that my life officially sucks right now? I kept saying " I am sad " everything single time . I am sad w the littlest thing also. This is not fair. I want to be happy . Must I like , fill up an application form for me t be happy ?
Well, bestfriend and I agreed that money is everything. We MEAN EVERYTHING. March, please hurry come ! I am begging you ..
posted on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 5:32 AM |
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Because I was bored I had flashbacks. I am sad because I am broke. I can't go out. I am too broke that I cry because I am dying at home. But I did some notes and hoping that it will stay in my head , somehow. I am so broke, I can't meet my best friend. Oh god , I've learned my lesson t spend money wisely because I am not depending on anybody except myself. It's been a week since I'm broke. This is sad . I repeat myself, it's just so sad . I had flashbacks and it is really bad because I did cry a little. I mean, who would want t wait for me under the rain w/out an umbrella for 10 whole mins? Yes, I cherished every little thing :)
This is really bad, I cannot be sad anymore. I still can cry a million bucket of tears you know. Okay, exams is around the corner and I'm graduating soon. Like in a few more days. I'm gonna miss school even though I don't show much. Yeah, I know how much I hate school but I am not ready for the real world. I can just feel myself being free from school, omg ! so bitter sweet . I want t party till I don't even remember what ever happened last night.
Hi , girls. Where are you? I miss secondary school. I miss being around w girls all day all night. I miss the boys who're now in NS and god knows where also. I miss being so happy go lucky. I miss being a 16 year old. I miss everything .
posted on Monday, February 21, 2011 at 8:14 AM |
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it's not getting any better .
posted on Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 6:02 AM |
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I told M that I am having my major exams this coming March. Remember, I said that I really cannot wait for March? Well, now I can. I sure can ! I've been working for like only once a week? I worked very little now a days. I am lucky that they didn't terminate me. I've not been very committed w work ever since. I mean, this is like the best stable part - time job in the whole world && not forgetting this is the longest job I can ever hold on to.
I tried studying CDN and you know what , I don't understand single thing. Writing down notes is one thing, understanding them is another. I am still gonna try to at least get something into my head. So, it's gonna be obvious that I am not able t take my diploma. This is sad. Somewhere deep deep inside me, I really want t have a diploma. Another 3 years in school ? I mean, I have all the time in the world right ?
I have very little time and time is not by my side. I've got a high paying job offer. I have t make a quick decision. Either , I wait till poly results and risk of losing this job offer or I just take this up. I mean , what are the chances of me going t Poly right ? ( If you're my friends , you should know ) If I miss this chance and I don't make it t Poly, I will be stuck working at Topshop till the end of time. I just can't make up mind. Like I say, I really hate growing up and making decisions. I've yet t talk t best friend about this. I'll be meeting her on Tuesday. Yes , my bestfriend is free like a bird!
Another Wednesday Night ..
posted on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 6:36 AM |
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Yes yes , I went last night w Gennie after studying at T3 w Firzo and Feeq . Sorry guys, I had t leave early. What a stupid excuse , I know right.
Now , because I helped my bestest best friend in the morning for filming just now , I had not slept since yesterday. (See, the things I do for you) I got t see my bestfriend working , hehe . While we were at the location, it reminds me on how much I miss secondary school food because they're all less than 2 dollars . During those days , you have t go school w your bare face and black hair and cannot shorten your skirt. Boy, I didn't blend it w my coloured hair and all.You can never get it anywhere else anymore :(
Happy Valentine's ♥
posted on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 10:05 AM |
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Is not like I did celebrated it . Today is just like a normal Monday just like any other day. I still got the loved from everyone else. I do suddenly feel terribly missing you. But I would be fucking stupid t miss you.
It's not only this day on Valentine that you treat your girl right. Buy a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. What's the point of having flowers on one hand and your heart for another. You need treat your girl right every single day w respect and love and etc. whatever it is. I've got a very pleasant surprised from that someone. & today, I had lunch after school w my dearest classmates. I had t repeat my 2.4 run, don't even wanna talk about it.

She's like the craziest person , I've ever met. Yes , opposites attracts, they say. It's funny, I tell you. My classmates and I got along well. I now talk t the people that I don't talk t. & for one girl whom I loved the most and was so close w is now in her own world. Too bad girl, you missed out everythin'. I don't think anyone could ever replaced em' all. I do wish you were here sometimes. I wonder if you ever had that wishful thought. But you know what, friends come and go and the one who stays are always the best. At least, Gennie is not someone who's in disguise. She is who she is and I love it that way.
Life promises no guarantee
posted on Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 8:51 PM |
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Drink , Drunk & Drama
posted on Friday, February 11, 2011 at 7:42 AM |
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Oh, thank god it's Friday! I may not have a Saturday night life but TGIF will do just fine for me. I mean, I too want t have the time of my life right ? My life's such a bore right now. So, tell me about it. I can't party this whole month till like March ? Due t the fact that I am broke t the max.
& today I helped out my bestfriend w her internship. HELLO BESTFRIEND ! I know you don't have the time t read my blog because you are always and forever working even when you're not supposed t work. I just want you t know that you're left w 6 MORE DAYS! SUCK IT UP! Don't give up your DIPLOMA now, girl. It's not worth it. You've been through shit and you wanna give up? Yes, I know it's tough. After you've got your diploma , you can be a bummer for all I care. I'm really looking forward for baking and more baking and bumming w you! The more reasons I am looking forward for March :)
I stayed home power - napping. Editing Tumblr . I'll change my blogskin soon . I must concentrate more on studies now . hehe .
ups and downs.
posted on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 9:07 PM |
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Well, I was pretty much pissed with my dad because he didn't allow me t go out last night. I was looking forward t Zirca. & last minute, he had to say; it's too late for me t leave the house. I was extremely furious. I thought of sneaking out but the idea was stupid and I'll get into more trouble. He said that he never ever said " NO " t me and this is he's first time that he wants me t stay home for the night, so yeah. I stayed home w a black face.
& when I woke up this morning, my poor HP LAPTOP BABY crashed on me. Thanks a lot huh. I need t send it for repair like the soonest ! I canceled my date w my bestfriend because I had projects t do. AGAIN, I KNOW RIGHT.
I'm left w like 3 weeks or so ?
what's my plan for my weekdays ?
posted on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 6:36 PM |
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Oh yeah, I miss Starbucks w my girls , all of my girls.
So anyways, I'm like officially broke. I haven't got used t where I need money t survived and no one is gonna pay for my everythin' except daddy. Yeah, when you have a boyfriend, almost everythin' is paid for. Never depend on that too much though. Now, no boyfriend, I have t pay everythin' all by myself . Frustrating much, I know.
I've been asking mom for money almost all the time. & my pay was v little because of some complication they had t bring forward t March's pay. & I hope dad will support me on a weekly's basis. ( Yeah, no choice ) Serve me right also , to shop like nobody's business. Told myself , after this month I won't keep asking em' for money except my monthly allowance I get from em'. OMG, this is pissing me off like crazy sia . I've yet t tell father about this . He'll be v pissed off , for sure . ERGH !
I did nothing except school and work. I don't think so I'll be heading t Zirca tonight. Yeah, I miss Zirca . Mayb nxt time . I have all year for that . & I said, I'm gonna cut down . It's been like what? more than 3 weeks already ? Err, I think ah. I've got damn bad STM . So from today till next month, I'm just going for work and school. Cheap dates w my bestfriend too !
I have t run some errands now and go t school like the soonest!
just like any other day.
posted on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 8:52 AM |
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I was actually extremely happy when the moment, the clock strikes 9pm. Yes, half an hour more and the shop is close. There I was, happily packing and cleaning the shop until this customer that I served yesterday came in and sort of gave me a scolding. Let me cut it short, there was a misunderstanding between our party and the other party from other outlet. Of course, I was furious and mad like hell because the blamed was pushed on us because I really think it's unfair t leave things hanging. I don't blame the customer because she was from town and they gave her problems and rushed back t Tampines, we gave her problems. So yeah, my day ended up really sad. I had to call and die die wants the outfit that she wanted which I have t personally hand carry it. ergh.
My life is so boring, I know right? Oh well, what to do. I'm running broke soon. I also have the urge t party this coming weekends. We shall see. I need t study because my finals are around the corner. Well, this sucks.
work hard, party hard.
posted on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 8:35 AM |
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(re-edited it, spellings and grammar )
omg, I went t checked my schedule and I've got no Saturday night life at all. Damn sad or what. My whole entire month of Saturday's are ALL afternoon shifts. My Sundays are either morning or from noon till closing. & I once said that I'm adding one more day right ? If I worked like err 24 hours in a week w/out skipping work , my pay will be around 500/- ( after CPF okay ) . I mean, I don't work for a living right. I still get my monthly allowance from dad. I know right, more money for me t shop. Yeah, daddy always says that I am a free labour because I work and spend money there. It's nice what. You people simply don't understand.
I'm still thinking of what am I gonna do after graduation. The thought of me converting myself into a full-timer is like 40% ? I really love working under retail line even though the pay is not much. Why can't we work for what we love t do? Office hours job also no life. I've seen it and I've done it. I was an intern and the job I did was nothin' compared t the full-timers. They're workaholics too. They spent most of their time in the office too. Just like how people say that retail people are gonna spent their whole time in the shop. It comes t the same thing actually. You can ask my bestfriend too if you want. We both had experienced it. Basically, in life that is YOUR LIFE. Spending half the way or almost the whole entire day earning money at your workplace(regardless if it's retail or not ) and going back t sleep after that and doing the same damn thing everyday. For me , that is. Please feel free correct me . It's just in my way of thinking. I still have err less than a month ?
I hate growing up. I hate commitments, I hate responsibilities.
Well, least I'm still surviving.
stay home, holidays.
posted on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 10:34 PM |
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( I edited the whole post , I re - typed it again )
Oh CNY, why is it always a ghost town every year during your New Year? ( Well, all the big bosses in S'pore are all Chinese?) What's fun about CNY is that we all get an extra 2 days off. Not somethin' for me though but it is something for all the full - timers and part-timers are looking forward too and the day that everybody can like gather together and have a good time.
TSTM CNY CHALET. Held last year too. This year, w a whole new bunch of people. Is nothin' compared t G's and K's chalet last month. No dj's and music blasting out loud. No club scenes and all. It was so err , family-ish kind ? The best thing is that, I didn't drink. NOT EVEN A SIP! Boy, am I proud of myself or what. Okay, mayb is because I don't like the way it is. Not my kind of thing. I didn't want t waste money on alcohols and cab fares. So, it's pretty fair for me.
I was like very into it at first. I brought all my extra clothes and etc. But in the end, I didn't stayed over. I called Faz t meet up w me and we decided t leave and hang out outside somewhere. After the chalet, we went t Nazreen for Shisha w he's friends. Sorry guys, If I didn't stay over. I bet you guys had fun too. I realised that my "bonding" w them is not so tight as the rest. I sort off slowly go by myself now a days. Oh well, I still love my job though :)
I've been stayin' home for the past few days. I mean 2 days t be exact. Yeah, can you believe it? If I were t stay another 5 days, I'll just die from eating too much. All I do is eat and sleep all day long. I've been watching malay drama's on youtube. YES , MALAY DRAMAS. I even cried watching one of it. It' touching. But the ending are all crap sia, I swear. What do you expect right ? It's a Malay drama. I'm hoping for a full 8 hours sleep. I've got work on weekends and till Monday. I switched from Saturday's to Monday's. I can party on on Friday's? LOL
P/S ; even how much things have changed, I am still hanging on .
Hi, where are you girl ?
posted on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 10:00 PM |
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I was browsing through all my pictures,cleaning up my folders & you know what, I found many many pictures with the people I was once closed w. Whatever happen ? It's funny, really. I'm not gonna delete em' all.
My very first clubbing experience w Dewi W and I got wasted on that night. After that day, I swore never t get myself so drunk so bad in a club. She tolerated me the whole night. We both were like peanut butter and jelly. Always stick together. Even if we have no friends in school, we always have each other plus the boys too of course. It's like you've grown old w/out me. It's really sad you know.
I hope YOU'RE READING MY BLOG BECAUSE I READ YOURS, EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN' DAY. I just don't understand why can't you spare some time for me? I mean, it won't kill you right? We're not doing anything stupid or what. I'm still kind of mad w you but there's nothing much I can do. I guess, its just you and your man against the world huh ? Last long babe, I've never wish and never wanted for anythin' bad towards you. I just hope that you make best out of yourself :)
by my side.
posted on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 9:13 AM |
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You know, I would cry together w you and give you all my love right now. You were there when I was at my breaking point. Like, when I feel that life is really sad and I just want t jump off a building and just die. Yeah, that was how fucked up I felt. But, my bestfriend stood by my side , companied me through my lonely night and hold hands as we walk together. & now, poor bestfriend have t go through shit. No worries babe, we're going t have all the free time in the world in 18 more days. We can be like those bummers that we're so envious about.
Can you believe it, I actually bought an mp3 at 7eleven at freaking 2 in the morning. ( the cheap ass one ) just for temp. My stupid phone jack thingy is spoil. SUDDENLY! Thanks ah. All these things are like costing me lots money. Oh my goodness. Kay, it's just for temp. I either change my phone, again or get myself an ipod. We shall see how. I really cannot wait for March! I don't know why, but I guess that I'm richer by March ? Yeah, I would be financially stable by then. *fingers crossed*
It's gonna be one long holiday this week, I think. I'll be havin' another chalet. Yes, again. CNY TSTMTO chalet. I posted last year's chalet too. I still have the pictures in my laptop. Only this time, I'll be at chalet going solo. Yeah, no boy will be tagging w me. I can bring one uh but nehh, I want t have a good time w em'. I don't feel any excitement yet mayb is bcause I had one like a few days ago ? The one and only thing I dislike the most is the going home part. It's so troublesome for me. I bet , I'm gonna have so much fun!
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